GET /amazon/seller/products

Returns the merchart products using as input the target merchant id.

Endpoint currently in beta release. For any bug please reach

Request Headers

X-API-Key: your_api_key_here

Query Parameters

  • marketplace (required, string) - Amazon marketplace in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. (Note that UK is “uk” not “gb”)

  • id(required, string) - Amazon target merchant id

  • page (optional, int, default: 1) - Seller products pagination

  • sort(optional, enum) - Values:

    • ”best-selling” Sort by best selling products

    • ”new-products” Sort by seller's new arrivals

    • ”avg-reviews” Sort by products with highest reviews

    • ”price-asc” Sort by price low to high

    • ”price-desc” Sort by price high to low

Responses Codes

Status: 200 OK
Status: 400 Bad Request
Status: 401 Unauthorized
Status: 500 Internal Server Error

Request URL Example

Response Example

  "ts": 1724797748719,
  "rid": "f6a0bb75-4f18-41ba-b5e6-08f01d507dc2",
  "params": {
    "marketplace": "it",
    "id": "AL5JXES37EDG7",
    "sort": "best-selling",
    "page": 1
  "result": {
    "asin_count": 16,
    "asin_total": 36,
    "products": [
        "asin": "B004Q8S7WU",
        "title": "Prontolind Spray 75ml - Per la pulizia antibatterica e la cura di piercing, tunnel, spine e modifiche del corpo - Raccomandato dai principali studi di piercing!",
        "image_url": "",
        "price": "€8,49",
        "rating": 4.6
        "asin": "B089M4757V",
        "title": "Tic Tac Travels caramelle confetti menta e frutta confezioni piccole 60 pz",
        "image_url": "",
        "price": "€18,99",
        "rating": 4.6,
        "reviews": 847
      ... // Continues

Response example for unknown merchant id

  "ts": 1724800862482,
  "rid": "e984347e-9d4d-4701-9033-c25a1dcb8614",
  "params": {
    "marketplace": "it",
    "id": "AL5JXES37EDG7456",
    "sort": "best-selling",
    "page": 1
  "result": {}

Bad input seller id (unknown merchants id) will be charged anyway.

Last updated